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Affiliate Links
We have compiled the links to the items on this page, all links are affiliate links for which we get a small % ( very small) from the seller at no extra cost to you, that comes from the seller not you .
Why only Amazon links? you may ask
Well, Several reasons, Amazon often offers the cheapest prices and fastest delivery, it also protects the customer, a lot! ( some sellers would argue a little too much at the expense of the seller!) and often offers no quibble ,free returns ( depending on the seller) , it has detailed and numbered reviews for you to consider and the choice is vast so for the items we list, it is a great resource.
You will notice for certain items like bath tubs, we don't recommend using sites like Amazon and where we believe it is always best to use a bricks and mortar retailer we will always tell you this even at the expense of not gaining a few pence in commissions.
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